Friday, April 16, 2010

Final Blog

So I guess this will definitely be the last blog. I know I kind of summed up my experience with the game last week but let me recap. I really did enjoy playing NHL 10 throughout this semester. I have pretty much stuck with NBA and Madden when it comes to sport games, so a hockey game was a good change of pace. I definitely learned that this game can have educational value also. This made me think. Do all video games then have some educational value? I began to think of this because NHL is not a game tailored towards an audience looking to gain educational value, yet I found educational value when playing the game. So after pondering about this question, I came up with the answer that yes, all video games have some sort of educational value when it comes down to it. Even if they are not teaching math, science, history, or english directly, they still instill certain skills and/or values that are developed through education. For example, pretty much all video games require problem solving skills and determination - two skills that are essential in school, and in the real world. Video games do not necessarily teach these in a clear cut manner, but in order to survive in the game, you need to be able to solve problems (or get out of situations) and you need to be determined to never give up. To me, that means that video games have at least some educational value. They may not prepare you for school exactly, but they definitely prepare you somewhat for the real world.

Peace out

Friday, April 9, 2010

Blog Week 11

I guess the blogging is coming to an end soon. We have played our games all semester, and I guess we have to start asking ourselves whether we actually did get out of it what we wanted to get out of it. Did we learn anything? Did we have fun?

NHL 10 has definitely been fun for me to play and I do think I learned some things. I learned more about the sport of hockey in general, and I definitely learned how to apply Gees principles to video games and therefore how video games can be essential to helping children learn. I mean in my opinion, if we could learn solely through video games, that would just be great. Video games definitely keep our attention and they interest us way more than a boring lecture hall.

But back to Nhl 10. So, I definitely enjoyed playing the game, but as with any sports game, it got kind of repetitive. I mean after a while, there are only so many new things that you can learn, and once you do learn them, you become pretty unstoppable at the game. But overall, I definitely enjoyed playing it.

I am not sure if this is the last blog or not, or if we do one next week, but if it is, then it has been nice blogging for you. I had never blogged before so this was a new experience for me too. Thanks.

Oh yea I almost forgot - principle of the week: 16) Multiple Routes Principle.
There are multiple ways to make progress or move ahead. This allows learners to make choices, rely on their own strengths and styles of learning and problem-solving, while also exploring alternative styles.

This definitely applies to Nhl 10. In this game, one, there are different modes which require different tasks and strengths in order to move on. But also, within a game mode, there are different ways to go about winning and you do not have to do the same thing each game in order to win. Also, the player can play to his or her strengths and try to develop new strengths by going different routes.

Maybe see you later, maybe not?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Blog Week 10

So I went back to playing my franchise. I hadn't played it in a while so it was nice to get back into the swing of things. I was a little rusty though, and I went 1-3 this week playing the computer. But, by going back to my franchise I was able to relate the game to another principle.

Principle of the week: 29) Transfer Principle.
Learners are given ample opportunity to practice, and support for, transferring what they have learned earlier to later problems, including problems that require adapting and transforming that earlier learning.

Obviously in this game, we are given ample amounts of opportunities to practice, whether it is online, against the computer, or against someone else. By doing this, we can transfer things that we have learned in previous games, and apply them to help us win in future games. We can adapt to things that we did not understand at first, and then change the way that we play in the future so that we have a better chance of winning the game.